Washington D.C.
           ATTORNEY "X" LEGAL COUNSELOR OF THE FEDERAL EXECUTIVE, on behalf of the US Executive Branch, under the President of the US, attached to this application, the documents proving that I have a Power to represent before all authority, the holder of the Executive Power US, in the person of the president of U.S., with domicile for all the proceedings of the trial, in the city of Washington D.C.

        The second section, sections 1.2, of Article THREE, of the US Constitution, provides that the Supreme Court of Justice of the US, should know exclusively: "In all cases concerning ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, as well as in those in which a State is a party, the Supreme Court will have jurisdiction in a single instance [...] ".

            The substantiation of the present controversy, must be processed according to the laws that regulate the federal civil procedures that are in force and determined by the US Supreme Court, must be applied in an EXTREME manner in the present case, since there is no "regulation that formulates the Congress "that establishes the section 2 in the second section of article THREE of the Constitution US.

         In accordance with the foregoing, the following subjects have the legitimacy to promote CONSTITUTIONAL DISPUTE:

         1 / ACTOR IN THE DEMAND: Executive Power US, legally represented by the LEGAL COUNSELOR OF THE FEDERAL EXECUTIVE, who attaches the official documentation that accredits him as legal representative of the US President, in all the proceedings of the trial, with the capacity to process all kinds of lawsuits, offer evidence, appear in person at all hearings, question witnesses, answer interrogations and request HABEAS CORPUS, if deemed necessary, with legal domicile in the city of Washington DC.

        2 / DEMANDS:

          a) US Legislative Branch; b) Commission of the Senate Investigator of alleged Russian Connection in the 2016 US Presidential Election., a)1 Of the Legislative Branch DEMANDING; Allow BOTH CHAMBERS the discredit, humiliation and offense of their election work by the Commission of the Senate Investigating the Russian Connection in the presidential election 2016 US; after having fulfilled impeccably the qualification of the presidential election 2016 US, and having NOT found any irregularity was LEGAL CALCULATED BY BOTH CHAMBERS of the Legislative Power according to what is established in article ONE, Fifth Section, Aparatados 1,2 , and 3, of the US Constitution. By allowing the Legislative Branch this ARBITRARY ACT on the part of the Senate Investigative Committee, the FEDERATION, THE DIVISION OF POWERS AND THE US NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY are put at risk;

     b) Of the Commission of the Investigating Senate of the Russian Connection in the 2016 US Presidential Election, DEMANDING: 

  •     b.1/  UNLAWFUL APPOINTMENT, charge or designation that the Senate grants to the citizen [insert full name] Mr. Robert Mueller, for investigate alleged "RUSSIAN CONNECTION - PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS 2916 USA; because it goes contrary to what is established in the US Constitution, in article ONE; Third Section, Section 6 and 7. By virtue that the powers of the Senate are EXCLUSIVE to judge all accusations for official responsibilities, but CAN NOT DELEGATE A SIMPLE CITIZEN. In fact, a respectable and honest citizen like Mr "Mueller", are not enough qualities to play the representation of the Senate USA, since he was not elected in terms of article ONE, Third Section, Sections 1,2,3, of the US Constitution; 
  • b.2 / APPOINTMENT, OR DESIGNATION OUT OF THE LAW held by the "SPECIAL ATTORNEY Mr, Robert Mueller", [insert the full name of Mueller] to investigate the connection Russian Government - USA 2016 Elections, his APPOINTMENT IS ILLEGAL, because it is GRANTED AFTER THE FACTS THAT ARE INVESTIGATED, an irregular situation because it is expressly prohibited by Articles 1, Ninth Section, Section 3, of the US Constitution, when it mandates "NO PROSCRIPTION DECREES OR EX POST FACTO LAWS WILL BE APPLIED" .

        b.3/ The SUPPOSED Russian Connection - USA 2016 Elections, was implemented, before and during the US presidential campaign, 2016. At that time, from the candidates, to the members and operators of the presidential campaign were and are simple CITIZENS US, then, Mr "Robert Mueller", would be investigating respectable US citizens, (until proven otherwise) including Mr. Donald Trump, WHO DID NOT OBSERVE PUBLIC CHARGES at the time of the USA 2016 presidential campaign, and if We all agree on the above, the SENATE DOES NOT HAVE CONSTITUTIONAL FACULTIES to intervene in the alleged Russian Government Connection - USA 2016 presidential campaign, for several reasons, but the main one is that the Senate only has the EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to judge all accusations by OFFICIAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND IN THIS, CITIZENS ARE NOT INCLUDED, therefore, the US Senate does not have legal powers by itself, or by terpósita persona, to annoy US citizens in their papers, properties and their people, because the US Senate can only judge on accusations for Official Responsibilities according to what is established in Article 1; Third Section, Section 6 and 7. Constitution of the USA; 

           b.4/ The SUPPOSED Russian Connection - Elections USA 2016, is of course, something imaginary product of the electoral defeat and political frustration, without any support; consequently IT IS NOT A COMPLOT OR AN ACT OF BETRAYAL TO US, for the simple reason that during the 2016 US election campaign, there was NO REALLY EXISTED formal declaration of WAR against Russia by the US Congress, and as it did not exist this declaration of war we can not speak of ACTS OF BETRAYAL AGAINST US, as the American people try to make believe the Investigating Commission of the US Senate, according to the provisions of article THREE, third Section, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Constitution US. 
     c) THIRD PARTIES INTERESTED: Entities or Powers that could be prejudicial without having the character of actors or lawsuits could be affected with the sentence that comes to be dictated: NO EXIST;

     d) US ATTORNEY GENERAL, is an autonomous party in the constitutional controversy, hence it can not legally represent the holder of the Executive Power.

        e) BACKGROUND: 
         1/ My principal (represented) Mr. President of the US, ____ during the US 2016 presidential campaign, was a US citizen in full enjoyment of his rights conferred by the US Constitution, who had never held a position in the US government, in none of his levels and that he had served his country from his professional activity as a real estate entrepreneur, mainly; and that at the time he accepted an invitation from various sectors of American society to run as a candidate for the presidency of the US.

       2/ In his capacity as professional entrepreneur, my client, Mr D. T., transcended the borders of his US homeland, and invested and made progress in several countries that are friends of the US (to name some countries), including Russia. It is important to say that the idea of ​​investing abroad, was always with the idea of ​​contributing from his profession, to the greatness of the US, that's why he always invested in countries that, according to the Fundamental Law, are friendly countries of the US.

          3/ During all these years, my representative was never bothered by any authority of the US, or any part of the world for having investments in Russia. To point this out is important, because it is from the moment my client wins the US presidential elections in 2016, that a series of malign and false rumors begin to be generated in order to cause confusion and national and international discrediting of his transparent and legal victory. electoral and begins to speak with insistence of a Russian connection - electoral campaign US 2016, without there being any legal evidence to support this theory of treason against the US.

            4/ The electoral victory was so clear, clean and legal, that each of the chambers described the LEGALITY OF THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS 20216, both the House of REPRESENTATIVES, and the House of SENATORS USA, qualified the 2016 presidential election as legal. where my president represented Donald Trump. It was a transparent and unquestionable process where each House qualified the elections, the scrutiny reports and the legal capacity of their respective members were used to the maximum. The transparency of each Chamber is based on the preparation of its internal regulations, to punish its members when they are conducted improperly and to expel them from their womb with the consent of two thirds. In the event of a challenge to the transparency of the work, each Chamber keeps a diary of its sessions and publishes it from time to time, except for those parties that in their opinion require a reservation, and the affirmative and negative votes of its members with respect to Any question will be recorded in the newspaper, at the request of a fifth of those present. All this process, supported by what is established in article ONE, Fifth Section, Aparatados 1,2, and 3, of the Constitution of the United States.

          5/ The above means, that if the SENATE USA, speaks and questions the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT CONNECTION - CAMPAIGN ELECTIONS USA 2016, IS QUESTIONING HIS OWN WORK, from the moment the presidential elections passed through his hands, examined them, scrutinized them and finally they qualified them as legal, it is absurd and incomprehensible to question a legal process that examined, not only, one of the legislators of each House, but that each and every one of its members of the US Congress intervened, separately and in due course , they acted with full freedom of conscience and knowledge of the law, in such a way that, some time later, a COMMISSION OF THE SENATE CHANGES AND DISQUALIFIES ITS OWN WORK WITHOUT PROOF, it causes a deep damage to the US Federation, the division of Union Powers and places the US National Sovereignty at serious risk by discrediting the electoral system and the American democracy before the world at a national and international level.

           6/ The theory of the plot and the betrayal of the US, is so far-fetched and absurd, that US President Barack Obama himself, who has insider information, day by day, all the data on the internal and external security of the Our US nation, upon hearing of our electoral victory, on ___of the Month ___of 2016, immediately invited to the White House my representative, President-elect US MR Donald Trump, to give his full support to the new administration he leads, meeting which was carried out in the greatest cordiality and good luck. The good reception was recorded for the history in the main newspapers of the US, the news of the big TV networks, national and international, as it will be opportunely tested. This is important because, by this time, the theory of the plot and the betrayal against the US, supposedly, had already registered suspicious movements that something like this had happened; but NO, there was never such a situation, so the signal from the White House under the government of President Barack Obama was always of absolute respect and support for the new government. 

          7/ According to the US Constitution, the theory of the plot and the betrayal of the US, in the 2016 presidential campaign, NEVER GAVE. There are several legal grounds to be certain that an event of this nature will NOT be given. In principle, and in accordance with the Constitution of 1787, the president and all US officials, will be separated from their positions to be accused and convicted of treason, bribery, and other serious crimes according to what is established Article 2; Fourth Section of the US Constitution.

          8/ The Treason against the USA, will only consist in making war against him or in joining his enemies, giving them help and protection. This situation has NOT occurred until today since the Second World War. The 11 formal declarations of war of the USA since 1798 occurred in 1812 against Great Britain. In 1846 against Mexico. In 1898 against Spain. In 1917 against Germany and Austria-Hungary within the First World War. In 1941 against Japan, Germany and Italy, and in 1942 against Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania within the Second World War. Since then, the US Congress has not issued any formal declaration of war, or at least there is no evidence to show it, since the formal war can only be declared by the US Congress, and during the year of 2016 and so goes from the year 2017, the US Congress has not declared war on any country or nation, which is Conditio Sine Cua Non for the crime of treason to be configured to the homeland and this formal declaration has not occurred, this crime HAS NOT BEEN COMMITTED according to what is established in article 1; Eighth Section, Article 1, 11, 12, 13, 18, of the US Constitution.

           9/ Moreover, the constitutional principles that frame this issue, establish clearly and precisely, that no person will be convicted of treason if it is not based on the statement of witnesses who witnessed the same act perpetrated openly or of a confession in public session of a court. Therefore, we have 3 other indispensable requirements to configure the crime of Treason to the Fatherland and that, by MISSING these requirements, such as I) .- Eyewitnesses; II) .- An act perpetrated openly; III) .- A confession before a court in public session. In this case, the crime of Treason to the Fatherland is NOT configured, because these 3 requirements have not materialized.

       10 / From this legal perspective, the SUPPOSED Russian Connection - Elections USA 2016, is something imaginary product of electoral defeat and political frustration, without any support; consequently IT IS NOT A COMPLOT OR AN ACT OF BETRAYAL TO US, for the simple reason that during the 2016 US election campaign, there was NO REALLY EXISTED formal declaration of WAR against Russia by the US Congress, and as it did not exist this declaration of war we can not speak of ACTS OF BETRAYAL AGAINST US, as the American people try to make believe the Investigating Commission of the US Senate, according to the provisions of article THREE, third section, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Constitution US On the other hand, the ANTICONSTITUTIONAL conduct of the US Senate Investigative Committee puts the Federation, the division of powers, national sovereignty and US democracy at high risk, which is why, my client, the holder of the Executive Power, Mr. President US, Donald Trump, feels obliged to come out in DEFENSE of the US Constitution, against ACTS committed by the Legislative Power and the Senate Investigative Commission in the terms that WE DEMAND in subparagraphs a) and b); b / 1, b / 2, b / 3, b / 4 in the preface to this document that raises CONSTITUTIONAL DISPUTES in the terms set forth before this Supreme Court, and to demonstrate our saying, from now on we offer the following.

              f) EVIDENCE:

          f/1 DOCUMENTS: Internal Regulation of the House of Representatives and Internal Regulation of the Chamber of Senators. This test is exhibited with the purpose of demonstrating in judgment, our saying in points 4,5,6, of the antecedents of this constitutional controversy and demonstrating the transparency with which each Chamber acted is sustained from the elaboration of its internal regulations , to punish its members when they behave improperly and expel them from their womb with the consent of two thirds. All this process, supported by what is established in article ONE, Fifth Section, Aparatados 1,2, and 3, of the Constitution of the United States.

            f/2 DOCUMENTS: Journal of Sessions of the House of Representatives regarding the qualification of the presidential election US, 2016;Journal of Sessions of the Chamber of Senators regarding the qualification of the presidential election Us 2016; This evidence is exhibited in order to demonstrate in court, our statement of this in points 4,5,6, the background of this constitutional dispute and demonstrate the transparency and legality with which the aforementioned presidential election was qualified. In the event of a challenge to the transparency of the work, each Chamber keeps a diary of its sessions and publishes it from time to time, except for those parties that in their opinion require a reservation, and the affirmative and negative votes of its members with respect to Any question will be recorded in the newspaper, at the request of a fifth of those present. All this process, supported by what is established in article ONE, Fifth Section, Aparatados 1,2, and 3, of the Constitution of the United States.

            f/3 DOCUMENTS:
Documents proving the legal representative character of the LEGAL COUNSELOR OF THE FEDERAL EXECUTIVE, to act as a legal representative of the President US. This test is exhibited with the purpose of demonstrating in judgment, our saying of this in points 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, of the antecedents of this constitutional controversy 

     f/4 DOCUMENTS: Documents proving the character of a real estate professional entrepreneur of the US citizen D. T. in court. This test is exhibited with the purpose of demonstrating in judgment, our saying of this in points 1,2,3, of the antecedents of this constitutional controversy.

           f/5 DOCUMENTS: Documents that prove that the Treason against the USA, will only consist in making war against him or in joining his enemies, giving them help and protection. This situation has NOT occurred until today since the Second World War. The 11 formal declarations of war of the USA since 1798 occurred in 1812 against Great Britain. In 1846 against Mexico. In 1898 against Spain. In 1917 against Germany and Austria-Hungary within the First World War. In 1941 against Japan, Germany and Italy, and in 1942 against Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania within the Second World War. Since then, the US Congress has not issued any formal declaration of war, or at least there is no evidence to show it, since the formal war can only be declared by the US Congress, and during the year of 2016 and so goes from the year 2017, the US Congress has not declared war on any country or nation, which is Conditio Sine Cua Non for the crime of treason to be configured to the homeland and this formal declaration has not occurred, this crime HAS NOT BEEN COMMITTED according to what is established in article 1; Eighth Section, Article 1, 11, 12, 13, 18, of the US Constitution. This test is exhibited with the purpose of demonstrating in judgment, our saying of this in points 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, of the antecedents of this constitutional controversy.

         f/6 DOCUMENTS IN VIDEO: The theory of the conspiracy and the betrayal of the US, is so far-fetched and absurd, that the President himself, Barack Obama, who has insider information, day by day, all the information about security internal and external of the US nation, to know our electoral victory, on ___of the Month ___of 2016, immediately invited to the White House to my representative, the president-elect US MR Donald Trump to give all his support to the new administration that he heads, a meeting that took place in the greatest cordiality and good fortune. The good reception was recorded for the history in the main newspapers of the US, the news of the big TV networks, national and international, as it will be opportunely tested. This is important because, by this time, the theory of the plot and the betrayal against the US, supposedly, had already registered suspicious movements that something like this had happened; but NO, there was never such a situation, so the signal from the White House under the government of President Barack Obama was always of absolute respect and support for the new government. This test is exhibited with the purpose of demonstrating in judgment, our saying of this in point 6, of the antecedents of this constitutional controversy.

        f/7 DOCUMENTS IN NEWSPAPERS: The theory of the plot and the betrayal of the US, is so far-fetched and absurd, that the President himself, Barack Obama, who has inside information, every day, all the information about security internal and external of the US nation, to know our electoral victory, on ___of the Month ___of 2016, immediately invited to the White House to my representative, the president-elect US MR Donald Trump to give all his support to the new administration that he heads, a meeting that took place in the greatest cordiality and good fortune. The good reception was recorded for the history in the main newspapers of the US, the news of the big TV networks, national and international, as it will be opportunely tested. This is important because, by this time, the theory of the plot and the betrayal against the US, supposedly, had already registered suspicious movements that something like this had happened; but NO, there was never such a situation, so the signal from the White House under the government of President Barack Obama was always of absolute respect and support for the new government. This test is exhibited with the purpose of demonstrating in judgment, our saying of this in point 6, of the antecedents of this constitutional controversy.
 Based on the foregoing and founded on law and the US Constitution, we request to this supreme court the following:
              FIRST: To be presented in time and form with this written statement and the evidence attached to it, and sufficient copies for the purpose of taking action on our demand for CONSTITUTIONAL DISPUTES against the Legislative Branch and the Senate Investigative Committee of the Russian Connection - Presidential Elections US 2016, for CONCRETE ACTS mentioned in points a) and b / 1, b / 2, b / 3, b / 4, in the preface of this letter, which put the Federation at risk US, the division of Powers, National Sovereignty and US democracy.

         SECOND: To place this writ of demand for CONSTITUTIONAL DISPUTES to each and every one of the DEFENDANTS at the addresses indicated therein, so that they respond according to the truth and the supreme law of the US, within the legal term granted.

           THIRD; Once this trial has been processed in all its parts, to pronounce judgment in the sense that the action has been filed, and to sentence the defendants to 1 / CANCEL ALL ACTIONS INVESTIGATING COMPLOT OR BETRAYAL TO US, during the US 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, which puts at risk the Federation, the division of Powers, National Sovereignty and the democracy in US, 2 / Condemn the defendants to RECOGNIZE AND RESPECT THE QUALIFICATION OF THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION US 2016, AS LEGAL and CONSTITUTIONAL.
Washington D, C, to December 9, 2017



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