The biblical cinema has always been between devotion and blockbuster between Puritans and devoted followers shocked. Jesus already attracted the pioneers of cinema, as Lumiere and Méliès, and has continued to fascinate producers, since the film emulates religious literature, music and the arts.

Lumière, the first "reporter", produced Life and Passion of Jesus Christ, filmed in Horitz village of Bohemia, where the drama of Calvary, represented by the people reproduced periodically during the days of Easter. The film lasted just over a quarter of an hour.
In 1923 Robert Wiene filmed I.N.R.I. and in 1926 Cecil B. de Mille filmed his King of Kings, as a blockbuster. In 1936 two films were made: La vie de Jesus de Marcel Gibaud and Ecce Homo Walter Rilla.

Two films that became very famous worldwide were shot in Spain although US production: The Mysteries of the Rosary (1957), Father Peyton, and King of Kings (1961) by Nicholas Ray.
Ben-Hur, Fred Niblo and Ben Hur William Wyler, in Richard Fleischer Barabbas and The Robe, Henry Koster, the figure of Christ or passion often have a predominant role in the plot.

Pier Paolo Pasolini, made a film about the life of Jesus nearest to the austerity of the gospel. The Gospel According to St. Matthew (1964) is entirely based on the text of Matthew and rolled camera in hand, in the best style of "cinéma vérité". The atmosphere, between medieval, Byzantine and Renaissance, is completely symbolic.

Jesus Christ Superstar, Norman Jewison, musical coming from Broodway. It was made with recreational character and free interpretation of texts, places and situations, but in countries of Christian religious repression became a song of deliverance.


In 1976, promoted by the Catholic Church premiered in Paris in a church, the Messiah, the agnostic Rossellini. The film was very underrated as neorealism of Rosellini takes you to treat Jesus without accentuating the miraculous nor end.

"Jesus of Nazareth" (1977), Zeffirelli, Catholic. The shooting, between Morocco and Tunisia .It was highly praised by the Italian Catholic Church that urged his faithful, as he was rejected by American Puritans, who accused Jesus for showing too human.

In this context the production of Mel Gibson, written by Gibson himself and Benedict Fitzgerald, whose version is set in the last twelve hours of Christ, highlighting their bloody scenes to accommodate the viewer's attention by image torture falls. Draws attention to its denostación of women to present it as representative of Satan on Earth, because in the film only Jesus, Judas and the Virgin could see it, facing up to any challenge to have the alleged support of the Vatican to declare the Pope John Paul II, his now famous "So was" after receiving the principal actor James Caviezel.

"The Last Temptation of Christ" (1983), Scorsese made by a director who tries to get away from the perfect vision of the figure of the Messiah manages to introduce the viewer to the conflict of Jesus, a man suffering. The film shocked the Catholic world, remaining censored many years and so far, it has lifted its ban in some countries.

The Last Temptation of Christ, is a much more free time and also much more rigorous from a Christian point of view, most of the classics of the genre that emerged thanks to the heavy machinery industry of Hollywood.

Scorsese poses a modest almost intimate, story about industrial dimensions of his proposal, which illustrates the humanity of the character through a permanent doubt about his identity, unfinished at no time taking his divine nature, to suggest the prospect of visionary past returns, and successive temptations facing from an initiatory circle in the desert or the surreal image of having her heart with his hands to offer it symbolically and physically to others.  


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