     Published for the first time November 24, 2010

Nothing unnatural, that serve a social revolution that emerged from 1910 as the company and elect the representative of the company, and the vigilant enforcement of the law, openly copying a figure that has historically represented the interests of the monarchy, attorney and personal representative of the king, and the rights of the Crown of all time.

What has in common the Mexican working class, the middle class and business class European nobility?
However, the public prosecutor as an institution in Mexico, originated, according to the doctrine, an ordinance of Philip the Handsome issued in 1303, which for the first time clearly speaks of the attorneys of the King, as his representatives in court.

These attorneys to later advocates King joined, were in charge of representing the crown court, with the same duties of judicial officers, so they took the name of "parquet" to distinguish magistrates "Siege", who were the judges, terminology still exists; it being understood that the prosecutors acted primarily in criminal proceedings and lawyers in civil.

By winning the French Revolution, suppressed these officials and replaced by legislation enacted in 1790 by the "Commissioner of the King" as a body of the crown to monitor the enforcement and execution of judgments and "The Public Prosecutor "popularly elected and function conduct the prosecution in the criminal courts.
In Russia exisitía "the Prokuratura" which dates back to a decree of Czar March 5, 1711, in which officials were set to defend Corona Heritage, headed by a senior prosecutor who should monitor the legal interests who was interested the Crown itself.

The "Attorney General Angloamericano" official representative of the interests of the Crown and government adviser, emerged in England from the year 1277, as an official appointed by the king among the most distinguished jurists of the kingdom, and since then known business relating to the royal prerogative and legal consultant to the legal issues of government; at least so you are given the exercise of criminal action with respect to certain tax offenses and those involving state security.

In the US the "Attorney General" in English tradition, which immediately leads to "Solicitor General" (Judicial Attorney) who represents the federal government before the Supreme Federal Court operates. The Attorney General is appointed by the President of the Nation with Senate approval, but may be removed by the Chief Executive.

In each and every one of them, ingredients were taken to shape the institution of the public ministry in Mexico, which has resulted in the lack of uncertainty in the nature and functions of federal prosecution according to the principles outlined in our Bill Magna, have revealed its inability to defend the increasingly complex social, which are what matter in the end the majority of this country.


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