(Nullum crimen sine lege)

      By Mario Arturo Hernández Solorio        @ ArtMarius2

                 To date, no US president in the history of this country has been removed from office for the crime of treason according to the Constitution in force since 1787, in fact, this crime has not been legally or politically configured in the past, can not be seen on the horizon until the year 2020. [Article 3; Third Section, Constitution USA].
                There are several legal grounds to have confidence and the certainty that an event of this nature will NOT be given. In principle, and according to the Constitution of 1787, the president and all US officials will be separated from their posts when they are accused and found guilty of treason, bribery, and other serious crimes. [Article 2; Section Four. Ibid.].
               The Betrayal of the USA will consist only in making war on you or in joining your enemies, giving them help and protection. This situation has not happened until today since World War II. The 11 formal declarations of war of USA since 1798 occurred in 1812 against Great Britain. In 1846 against Mexico. In 1898 against Spain. In 1917 against Germany and Austria-Hungary within the First World War. In 1941 against Japan, Germany and Italy, and in 1942 against Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania within World War II. Since then, the US Congress has not issued any formal declaration of war, or at least there is no evidence to prove it, since formal war can only be declared by US Congress, and during the year 2016 and what goes of the year 2017, the Congress USA has not declared the war to any country or nation, that is Conditio Sine Cua Non so that the crime of Treason to the Homeland is configured and not having happened this formal declaration, this crime has NOT TASK. [ Article 1; Eighth Section, article 1, 11, 12, 13, 18, Opus Quoted].
                   Moreover, the constitutional principles that frame this issue clearly and precisely establish that no person will be convicted of treason unless it is based on the testimony of witnesses who witnessed the same act committed openly or confession in public session of a court. Here we have 3 other indispensable requirements to configure the crime of Betrayal to the Fatherland and that, by MISSING these demands, such as I) .- Eyewitnesses; II) .- An act committed openly; III) .- A confession before a court in public session. In this case, the crime of treason to the homeland is NOT configured, because these 3 requirements have not materialized.

                      With respect to the crime of Bribery or other crimes and serious misconduct that would have committed the President USA, it will only apply, in case, PREVIOUS to the FACTS, the USA Congress would have LEGISLATED on the matter and President USA would have promulgated that constitutional articles, UNO, 3rd section, article 6, eighth section, article 1, 11, 12, 13, 18, ninth section; Article THREE, article 2, first section, article 1, article 5, fourth section. That is, according to the aforementioned articles, the Congress has the obligation and the constitutional power to legislate and approve a law that regulates SEPARATION, DEATH, WAIVER OR DISABILITY, OF THE CHARGE OF PRESIDENT USA, and President USA, to enact that law . However, I have reviewed the Corpus Iuris USA since the entry into force of the US Constitution of 1787, and that law DOES NOT EXIST, and if this law was not legislated, approved and promulgated PRIOR TO THE FACTS, that hypothetically motivated the separation of the position of President USA, President USA can not be tried by Congress USA, because the crimes of BETRAY, COHECHO OR OTHERS, technically DO NOT EXIST. Here falls like the dew grass the Roman aphorism: "NULLUM CRIME SINE LEGE" (THERE IS NO CRIME WITHOUT LAW).


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