CHAPTER I
 "Someone had to have slandered Josef K, then was arrested one morning without having done nothing wrong" ..... So begins Franz Kafka's unfinished story entitled "The Trial". A History and author since its publication in 1925 has served to identify absurd and unjust events that happen in our daily relationships, and in the world of justice and local and international politics, when we were sure that these stories never happen to us you, me, us.

Franz Kafka was born on July 3 and July 3 this coincides with the 42nd anniversary of the birth of a new revolutionary era of the virtual world - Real-technology and space travel, his name: Julian Paul Assange. The letter "J" is its cord and a reference umblical inevitable because both characters are born one three in the month of July, the protagonist of the novel is called Josef, and many years later is embodied in the virtual-reality by Julian.

Coincidence?  Omen? Destination Kafkaesque?

In recent times have been going "stuff" you can reverse that perception of life is unfair the world is, and that "living in a Kafkaesque world is inevitable."
Julian Paul Assange and his organization WikiLeaks have been proposed as one of the main goals to end the simulation, hypocrisy, and the secret life of the world of politics, to reveal to all the hidden life of what should be the public life of the public rex - public affairs - the state of politics and politicians act, although they are determined above all things, to return secret "public affairs" of public rex to the governed and their peers in the concert of nations.

Many years after the character in "The Trial" Josef K has incarnated in the person of Julian Paul Assange, universal citizen born by accident in Australia that one day in November of 2010 he walked by Sweden "was ordered his arrest one morning, without having done anything wrong. "

Despite all these matches, there is a breaking point. A vertex of the story told by Franz Kafka. Julian Paul Assange is an anti-natural because Franz Kafka Kafka's Kafkaesque anti congenital. He is here to prove that it is possible to live off POWER inevitable fate. It is possible to change the Machiavellian equation of political power: "Hold the power at any cost. The end justifies the means. "

 You are convinced like me that Franz Kafka was antikafkiano in the same way that Nicholas, the Florentine, NO was Machiavellian. A careful reading of his works demonstrates that: "Machiavellianism predates Machiavelli".

So current phrases as Politics is to serve others ... Politics and public service a tool for progress ... ad nauseaum. Are out of place. All that matters to the policy is the attainment of power and once installed on it, its unique mission real secret is to retain at any cost.

 "Surely someone must have slandered Julian Paul Assange on their way to Sweden, ..." It must have started writing his extradition ruling issued by the Westminster Magistrates Court otherwise does not explain that the founder and leader WikiLeaks has not been charged with any crime in any region or country in the world and therefore has not been waged against an arrest warrant.

The art of politics is deception, and deceive the truth may be the more refined art. It has always been, since Aristotle, Moses, Theodoric, Sesostris, Lysander, Philip and Alexander of Macedon, Romulus, Julius Caesar, Nero, Charlemagne, Caesar Borgia, Niccolo Machiavelli, Agathocles, Joseph Fouche, Robespierre, Richelieu and many others. However, end the deception in politics is something that no one had proposed under the policy is a vehicle or instrument "to be or to be in power" and that the so-called traditional political "professionals" sell as "the ought." The must be from public service to serve others, never be your sole aim and end, but the real will, retain power once obtained. Therefore, a traditional politician ever try to end the deception in politics because it would be the antithesis of self-defeating. In sum, deception and secret activity in the given policy as a fact inherent in the same abysmal play of mirrors.

It Machiavelli himself who puts the cards on the table: The only purpose of the policy is to "obtain and retain power," and to get it, "The end justifies the means".

Even before Karl Marx, philosophers, political scientists, thinkers, poets, military geniuses and economists pondered to interpret the world, Marx thinks and writes to revolutionize the world.

However, philosophers and economists so opposed to the thinking of Marx and Adam Smith and John Maynard Keynes who are credited with being the authors and fathers of the modern economy by important works of authorship as "Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations "(1776) and" The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money "(1936) both are so opposed to eventually close the circle inevitably leads to coincide with Karl Marx .

In the end, everything converges in the sense that: "The capitalist society leads to the alienation of labor, and the alienation of the working citizen who never comes to identify with his work. This is because capitalism has profound consequences for the psyche of men and eventually for the entire social structure. "Karl Marx seems to show the reality bolstered incontrovertibly as the latter asserts:" A huge psychological gap that separates workers from the fruits of their labor. In the capitalist system as the workers do not receive delivery to your work against the product being manufactured, but a substitute Abstract: money. Since the employee has lost all emotional contact with their professional work, work only serves to satisfy needs that can not be alienated activity can not fill. Thus works to buy. The work becomes a strange question and satisfaction of desires is fulfilled outside of working life. The man separated from his work is only possessed by the "desire to have". That fact also poisons human bonds. The alienation of labor plays in the relationships between people: Determines the deal with colleagues at work, with employers, family, and finally, the man himself. This will result in immoral and inhuman trait of capitalism and its perverse reversal of values ​​while human relationships are becoming more cold and prosaic, the goods are surrounded by a halo of light magic. They get a mystical quality: the mysterious character of a fetish. "


In the world today is governed by a sui generis dictatorship of corporations that governs behind the false masquerade STATE-GOVERNMENT .. That is, the state government is in the final phase of its transition because the symptoms of chaos and environmental crisis, moral, social and economic life of their inhabitants are becoming impossible to habitat at risk of the disappearance of the human species. It's easy to understand that thanks to technology the globe is reduced to the size of a golf ball, and that the rich are getting richer and the poor are poorer from the time the means of production along with the natural resources are in hands of a few to exploit at will without time or measure, violating the laws of nature and the so-called rule of law of nations in which they operate.

The American Dream was based on false profits, inflated revenues, analysts conflicts of interest on Wall Street, directors asleep at the controls, we are not talking about a few bad apples, the system of the "American dream" is a systemic breakdown. Almost all known control factor on corporate behavior-moral, regulatory, stood aside and was replaced by the tremendous greed that marked the end of the boom. And that has created a crisis of investor confidence, to levels not seen since the Great Depression.

 The dire economic and institutional crisis of our neighbors that we now see, is forged from 1935, when the United States was governed by one of its most intelligent Presidents Franklin Delano Roosevelt who used to say:'' You have to expect that Americans DO NOT allow the inherited economic and political power move to democracy. '"

This means that, in the country's neo-free market neoliberalism has been seriously considered since then as the system operator of the neo-dynasty, where inherited wealth and power run counter to the principles of democracy.
For anyone in the world of global finance is a secret that the United States has become an economic aristocracy'' inherited'', following the establishment of groups in the political-economic evolution have led to power ' 'Dynasties'' rich, that in less than a decade, they placed the United States as the country industrialized economic inequality with rates highest in the Western world.

This includes, but is not justified when only five thousand families control the U.S. economy. In 1937, sixty families owned much of corporate America and its equivalent in the days of those sixty families live rich, 1937, are the five thousand families with assets of $ 100 million or more, and talking about families divide the country, we are not talking about those families that were divided Queens, Brooklyn, or the Bronx with a machine gun under his arm in the shadows of a wine distillery, as in Mario Puzo's literary fantasies do you? What is so different from the reality that today survive?

All those "honorable families" take shelter their ancestry in just a dozen corporations, where you share the slice of the pie in the largest global mass culture, where a small group of companies concentrated immense power and planetarium. Just open a corporate range and here we have Disney-ABC, CBS, Westinghouse and General Electric-NBC, FOX more, Time-Warner-Turner-AOL and Viacom. The distribution is also oligopolistic TV: ATT, Time Warner, TCI and Paragon.

In film also a handful of corporations control the production and distribution worldwide film: Disney-Capital Cities, Paramount, Columbia-TriStar, MGM (Turner), Warner Bros. (Time-Warner), MCA-Universal. Blockbuster chain hegemonizes the sale and rental of video on a continental scale.

The record industry is not far behind. There is dominated by the Big Six: Time Warner (Columbia, WEA, Sam Woody), Sony (CBS), Bertelsmann (RCA, BMG), Philips (PolyGram, Decca, Deutsche Grammophon), Seagram (MCA-Universal) and Capitol- EMI.

In the field of publishing, apart from some university presses, independent publishers are very few Norton, Hughton Mifflin, Grove, Beacon. The sale of books is largely dominated by just two large super-chain bookstores: Barnes & Noble and Borders, which have displaced two of the eighties: B. Dalton and Waldenbooks.

Still less can we talk about independent magazines like The Nation. The sector magazines and books are, for the most part, controlled by just eight major groups: Hearst, Time Warner, News Corporation (Harper Collins), Pearson (Viking Penguin), Bertelsmann AG (Bantam, Doubleday, Anchor) Viacom (Simon & Schuster), Advance (Random House, Pantheon, Vintage, Alfred Knopf), Holztbrinck (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, St. Martin's Press). With few exceptions the names are the same. The distribution is controlled by the duopoly Ingram and Baker & Taylor.

In the field of print media reign chains-Multimedia USA Today Gannett, Knight-Ridder, Times Mirror, Advance, Tribune and Hearst, responsible for hundreds of magazines and newspapers in major cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, Houston, Philadelphia. Along with the company's New York Times published the New York Times and the Boston Globe, the Washington Post, part of Capital Cities and the Wall Street Journal, these eight groups make up the bulk of the field of American newspaper industry.

In a few news agencies like AP U.S. and European, UPI, AFP, REUTER, EFE, ANSA comes, in turn, the main part of "information" or infotainment circulating in the world.

Michael Eisner (Disney), one of the few American czars together, Jack Welch (General Electric), Michael Armstrong (ATT), John Malone (Liberty, former TCI), Rupert Murdoch (News Corp / Fox / WSJ) Edgar Bronfman (Seagram ), Gerald Levin (Time Warner), Sumner Redstone (Viacom), Thomas Middelhoff (Bertelsmann), Ted Turner, Steven Spielberg overwhelming influence on the thinking of the world population, influences the way they feel, in their way to imagine, they determine and shape the dreams and fantasies of people worldwide, and transmit without us fully aware of it, the reasons by which we partake of the civilization.

This was going well, until the collapse occurred World Com and Enron scandal and both cases will cause more damage to the country (U.S.) that the terrorist attacks of September 11. In the worst case scenario it is said that the attack of 11/09/01 to the Twin Towers was a masquerade to cover up the disaster caused by Enron and other real estate companies would lead to the collapse of Wall Street and put a halt to the economy U.S. has serious repercussions for European Union countries such as Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal. Thereafter began the agony and ecstasy of the false American dream.

Nevertheless, stubbornness has no limits when it comes to ignoring the failed cycle of fallen civilizations that preceded us as the Roman Empire, the Maya and Easter Island.

The absence of the American dream ends up an answer: THAT UNDER NO CREDIBLE EXPLANATION POSSIBLE AND HAD TO INVENT AN UNBELIEVABLE: Convert to national transnational companies with anonymous owners with multiple objectives: A) Evade the enforcement local B) Increase Profits without measure C) Put pressure on local governments to obtain sinecures in all areas of the macro-economy, D) participate directly in politics with their own candidates.
Since 1996, the 50 largest foreign investment firms are present in Latin American economies with sales in excess of 110 billion dollars, an amount greater than the GDP of several countries in the region, such as Colombia, Chile, Peru and Venezuela.

Apparently they are cold data, however the temperature rises when taken by a metaphor that answers the initial question What is the link between capitalism and Protestantism? If he sins, the Catholic confession available. The Protestant has a lot of debt and no confession. The Protestant is a workaholic to enrich only to God because God loves wealth work product to live without luxuries.

In keeping with this, the economy became vital in the foreground of global politics after decades of Calvinist influence the modern professional man transformed into a product of Protestantism. What does the capitalism with Protestantism? Max Weber is questioned founder of modern sociology Why in the seventeenth century the economy flourished two Protestant countries, England and the Netherlands? Why is it that befall while the economic decline of Spain, Catholic power? Who invented the "American dream", where a sink becomes a millionaire? U.S., country whence the austere puritanism.

It is in this context of expansion that owners of large transnational corporations realize that capitalism in the business enterprise has no future if consumers are increasingly informed in detail about the products we manufacture and many times never reaches consume. Either information of some products consumed en masse. The information in detail everything that happens in your area and around the world.


Politics being what it is, an activity largely secret. And being as accurate and timely information the antidote to the shadows and secrecy in politics, information needs to access governed by the "safe filter" - WikiLeaks-that eventually could lead to the consumer's table through publication in appropriate media for mass distribution.

  Julian Paul Assange reflects and goes straight to the action to change the geopolitics of the time, to end the simulation and lies, then decides to expose the secret world of politics with a quick, simple and deadly: draws a mirror and shows the "Ogre" that monitors everything, that nothing escapes his eye penetrating, devastating and this to be naked before the mirror, surrounded by his fetid excrescences, is horrified of their own misery to become a "Saturn Devouring his own son. "


With that in hand mirror Julian is released to the world. It is from then that comes the possibility of dismantling the Kafkaesque world embodying the very Josef K from the personality of a Julian Paul Assange of flesh.

Julian, Josef K? Suffer injustice firsthand before committing it, just to prove that real politics is secret, that the policy data and documents are encrypted and that secret policy well displayed, well researched, well filtered is more powerful than the false justice and that false public policy.

Justice and the politics of appearance and deception recreated the Goddess Themis mythologically blindfolded and balance in perfect equilibrium in one of his hands and executing sword in the other, Julian was given the task of showing that is false, which does not exist, with the substance and the courage of a Sisyphus "on line" and on his back the heavy stone of the secret global politics.

Franz Kafka was a Czech-German-Jewish by accident, but may have been born in Sweden. Who would dare to say otherwise? Otherwise how do you explain that in Sweden there Kafkaesque justice? Josef K must have been Swedish? Sure. Of course! But Josef K may have been British, American, Icelandic or Bolivia. In fact, we now know that Australian Josef K was passing through Sweden. Josef K is Julian Paul Assange.

When Scotland Yard in London returns the first request for the extradition of Julian Paul Assange in Sweden inconsistencies know justice is Kafkaesque. I know Scotland Yard. We all know.

No formal complaint, no charges, no aggrieved persons, only a "reasonable suspicion" under Swedish law, that Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilén were sexually abused when they never reported crime of unlawful coercion and rape or sexual abuse Julian Paul Assange against before a competent authority according to the judicial system of the Kingdom of Sweden, because they were consensual sexual acts. Then you will wonder where is the reasonable suspicion that underpin the Attorney General of the Kingdom of Sweden to request the extradition of Julian Paul Assange for questioning only one Nordic country.

 Justice in Sweden is Kafkaesque when certain Swedish women say they make love "half asleep" when in fact they are awake but have to police that they are asleep and helpless to oppose sex without a condom, after several sexual acts in the same night in the same bed, which is false since a serious scientific study on sleep ensures that it has four phases, deep sleep is the final stage of sleep and is when you go into total unconsciousness. However, when these half asleep are in phase one, which is the sleepiness, when just close our eyes and fell asleep, the brain goes into this first phase is a kind of buffer zone between being awake and being asleep . Muscle tension decreases and breathing becomes smoother. It happens during these moments that if you wake up the sleeping during this stage, react quickly and denied falling asleep. Then when Sofia Wilén then alludes that was penetrated sexually in this phase then was never helpless, because in this stage of sleep is called somnoliente therefore the actual facts Wilén Sofia was awake and fully conscious of his actions permissive .

 The issue is Kafkaesque when a sexual adventure in harmony and glamor is suddenly attacked in the middle of the bed by a muffled that there amid the desolation of "surprise sex" or in the wilderness of "coitus interruptus" of the hood accidentally tears to travel unusually from the strawberry fields of the earthly paradise to the harsh police offices in Stockholm.

 It would be disproportionate to say that we are against condom use. No, of course not. However, the Swedish sex education excelsa can be Kafkaesque and indeed it is when the wish is constantly monitored to off in the apparent solitude of the bedroom from the dim candlelight weeping over the codes, from civil rights and safe sex criminals to Swedish women. Where was the love? Desire ... And? That unique moment when two people decide acculturated skin to skin back to what we really are for a moment: ANIMALS

 All this is possible in the thoughts roving around Sophia Wilén Kafka when he is informed that his "talk to the police" will transcend beyond its original intent and true that there is another, that his desire to Julian Paul Assange - Josef K - you do a test for HIV. Just that. Although it immediately after having sex with Julian, I had practiced with results favorable to their health. The certificate issued gave the result: "HIV - NEGATIVE".

In what was thought Wilén Sophia when she went to the police office in Stockholm? What was he thinking when he decided Wilén Sophia in agreement with Julian have sex after attending one of his lectures? Perhaps it was the reincarnation of "Molly Bloom" in a cascade of encrypted endless thoughts in one sentence of 4, 500 words, we now know were just dream musings on the verge of ending with the memory in his relationship with Julian ? [Josef K? ] And the word "Yes" ... and if I said "I do," Yes ".

In that Swedish lawmakers were thinking when they proposed, discussed and approved the menu sexual offenses Swedish men become hostage to the existent and imaginary sexual desires of certain Swedish women can be mechanically copulate while "gladly do love-awake half asleep "and the next day to the police deny that the" masked man "Julius Fromm, never came to bed. In his place was not Julius, but Julian Assange of flesh. Julius Fromm as you know is the author of the modern condom, to revolutionize pig guts then conceived Joseph Condom physician to Charles II, who took to the task of smoothing monarch concerns providing that the City of London was filling of royal bastards ... At the end, the condom of Condom, served for something more useful than the original target and the name of the gadget you pays off in fame. Although some argue that "Condom" arising from "condus Latino", meaning receptacle.

 In counterpoint, historical documents say the condom origin vanishes in the thick of the centuries in places as distant as Egypt and Japan where it is recorded that the condom was a sexual tool artisanal ingredients ranging from fabric over the penis to the use of fish bladders or goat bladders to retain the semen. The Japanese used condoms of two types: one made of fine leather and one made with tortoise shell or ivory were a challenge to the imagination and sexual pleasure far.

However, the real original author of the condom in the West and closer to us, authorship is attributed to Gabrielle Fallopius, yes, that Italian doctor, who gave his name to the female fallopian in the year of 1500. Whose creation has traveled in the time line for the women rode through the centuries in an endless journey with dazzling breaks from the rubber in the 1840s, through the most pleasurable straddled across the decade of the 1930's last century, incorporating the vulcanized rubber condom. The vulcanization of Julius Fromm is the method or process of treating crude rubber with sulfuric acid and subjected to intense heat. This process makes the rubber into a strong elastic material, arriving at the amazing time of our days where manufacturing continues versatile latex liquid which remains the basis for the manufacture of condoms today.

It is known fact that the more experienced Swedish lawyers recommend that before having sex with a Swedish woman, it's best to avoid future legal problems, is "asking for her consent in writing." Can anyone deny that this scene is totally Kafkaesque?

Can you imagine a Swedish citizen 18 or 30 years, even a stranger wandering the streets of Stockholm always contract consensual sex in his suit pocket to avoid future legal problems with the justice of the Kingdom of Sweden . It is possible that if a master painter had to illustrate this passage of parliamentary life Swedish Swedish lawmakers hang one or several trees but not the neck, but to everyone, testes Why? By Kafkaesque!

In that vein is Kafkaesque issue the EAW to question Julian Paul Assange, when sufficient evidence has always been cooperating since the first moment he learns in Sweden and is represented by Swedish lawyer Björn Hurtig.P to continue all the legal steps of cooperation with the authorities and resolve the case. Julian's cooperation with the Attorney General of Sweden Ny is so real that you are authorized to leave Sweden and does not immediately but only after two weeks during which insists in an interview with the attorney general to bring Sweden Ny all necessary data and make it clear who never committed any crime during his stay in Sweden.

Moreover, from the house arrest of Julian in two thousand ten UK Attorney General since Swedish Ny has rejected all proposals to be interviewed at Scotland Yard or the Swedish Embassy. On 7 December two thousand and ten, Julian Paul Assange was voluntarily with his solicitor at the police station in Kentish Town in London in response to the European arrest warrant.

Can anyone deny what Kafka on the case when in this circumstance the appropriate means, proportionate and legal way to ask a person for questioning in the UK is through the Mutual Legal Assistance Plan? Of course if! But ever the European arrest warrant issued by the Attorney General of Sweden only to question Julian Paul Assange.
It is a or two? element (s) of the Swedish legal norm that supposedly serve as a basis for an order of the competent authority. Nothing is more false and I will demonstrate below. There is nothing more ridiculous Kafkaesque paradox that these two words together trying unsuccessfully to form an indissoluble marriage "until the REASONABLE SUSPICION separate."

Firstly may not sound REASONABLE conjecture, doubt and suspicion that is the same as the SUSPECT. According to the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language is reasonably comparable to the fair: fair, legitimate, appropriate, and legally founded.

Instead the SUSPECT is exactly the opposite of what REASONABLE, for suspicion is similar to mistrust, conjecture, apprehension, guess, doubt and suspicion. And to understand the depth of the SUSPECT is inescapable question What is infinity?

For a supposed origin of time and space, that like it or not, inevitably open the door to religious and mystical ideas about a being or creative principle, if accepted as it is, that the right has its earliest origins in the Ius naturalism . That is, if we accept an origin of the universe, outside of the world, from infinity? has been a first impulse that set in motion. But what is the movement? The motion of matter is eternal, infinite, and exposes the laws discovered after a careful study in that movement. As the movement is not from outside the area but it is the very condition of its existence, inseparable from it.

 We have thus the transformation of quantity into quality, unity and struggle of opposites, and the negation of the negation, ie, development through contradictions. That is, the absolute legal certainty does not exist, therefore the Attorney General of Sweden has no legal certainty that Josef K, ie, Julian Paul Assange had committed any sexual offense, so all you need is reasonable suspicion that is similar to the suspicion, conjecture, doubt and suspicion COUNTERPOINT OF REASONABLE, fair: fair, legitimate, appropriate and well founded.

I ask this, because first of all a judge or magistrate a lawyer is a thinker, a man or woman of letters, above all, a questioner, a philosopher who plays not only the law, language, perception, but the whole of reality, the world and the universe and to interpret the SUSPICION that is similar to guesswork and therefore the opposite of absolute legal certainty not enough to have information on the letter of the law on which it is the Attorney General of the Kingdom of Sweden, that is, the "reasonable suspicion" that Julian Paul Assange is responsible for the crimes of any sexual offense NOBODY prejudice because so far there formal complaint competent authorities according to the penal system of the Kingdom of Sweden for submission to process or to issue an arrest warrant, since the extradition request formulated by the Attorney General of the Kingdom of Sweden on the basis of "reasonable suspicion" of being responsible for crimes committed the crimes of rape, sexual abuse and unlawful coercion Subject to Anna Ardin and Sophia Wilén is intended solely to "interrogate" when it is beyond dispute that the appropriate means, proportionate and legal way to ask a person for questioning in the UK is through the Mutual Legal Assistance Plan .

So the REASONABLE SUSPICION suddenly becomes important because it is through the interpretation and language, formulated the most varied theoretical concepts to try to understand the environment, resulting inherent series constant problems faced being human, being themselves of legal science: the vague language LEGAL.
 The man has shaped and outlined the world around him, to through the word, using language as a tool and this as a medium, forming countless Conjectures. So the REASONABLE SUSPICION, language and speech, are means by which we acquire a particular version of reality, either conjecture, invention or thesis and do not necessarily have to be true.

 This contradicts the absolute certainty as a motivation and EXTRADITION REQUEST and naturally criticize the Kafkaesque, unlawful, illegal and inapplicable to the case SWEDEN vs-JULIAN PAUL ASSANGE, by which from the beginning was rejected by Scotland Yard, when is undeniable that the species should be noted that as imperative ordains norm in the United Kingdom of Great Britain. This is: THE MUTUAL LEGAL ASSISTANCE PROTOCOL.

I must insist that the attorney general of Sweden, also refused all voluntary offers for cooperation that fit in the Protocol on Mutual Legal Assistance, such as the use of alternative methods to interview Julian Assange, and in that circumstance is inappropriate to issue an order European arrest against Julian Paul Assange because there is evidence of cooperation clarifies the case.
 On 18 November the Swedish prosecutor Marianne Ny issued a warrant for arrest against Julian Assange under the supposed "reasonable suspicion" of having committed the crimes of rape, sexual abuse and unlawful coercion in regard to Anna Ardin and Sophia Wilén

Marianne Ny says the order was necessary because it was impossible to arrange an interview with Julian Assange who at the time was dedicated to the liberation IraqWarLogs. No effort was made by Marianne Ny to arrange an interview. Björn Hurtig kept trying to arrange an interview after Julian Assange had gone to England and was free IraqWarLogs work, all requests are denied without giving reasons.
The Swedish prosecutor Marianne Ny refused to provide Julian Assange and his lawyers, all information about the allegations against him in writing, in clear violation of what has Swedish Code of Procedure (RB 23:18.) addition to the flagrant violation of the European Convention on Human Rights (Article 5) and the Constitution of the European Union on Human Rights. We will certainly face of incontrovertible imposing Kafkaesque justice. Josef K, ie, Julian Paul Assange does not know what he is accused.

 Not be overemphasized that the attorney general of Sweden, also refused all voluntary offers for cooperation that fit in the Protocol on Mutual Legal Assistance, such as the use of alternative methods to interview Julian Assange, and in that circumstance is irrelevant issue European arrest order against Julian Paul Assange because there is evidence of cooperation clarifies the case.

 "Surely someone must have slandered Julian Paul Assange on their way to Sweden, ..." So he must have started writing his extradition ruling issued by the Westminster Magistrates Court, in the same way that Franz Kafka begins his story in "The process" otherwise not explained that the founder and leader of WikiLeaks has not been charged with any crime in any region or country in the world and has fought against an arrest warrant.

Even less is understood that legal declared the extradition of Julian Paul Assange in a judgment in which the extradition request of the government of the Kingdom of Sweden ever I meet the legal requirements required for these cases the laws of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. (End of chapter)


Anónimo ha dicho que…
oh great article its full and human readable ! play unfair mario i have website about mario too!

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