The Last Supper. Da Vinci and Jesus.

Why it has been called the Last Supper?
Probably because there were others. Certainly Jesus and his disciples had held other dinners and other Easter, but some have insisted that this would be different, because he knew it would be the last one ... and it synthesize its message of resurrection.
As in any important feast, it more than any other, should operate under the mechanics of a ritual, so had to do many things: dressing room, get the unleavened bread, vegetables, wine, oil lamps and lamb. Then he sacrificed in the temple, after the noon prayer, and roast ...

This could have been one of the rites followed at the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples, but there is still no consensus about what she ate and drank in those crucial hours in the spring of 2000 years ago.

Commonality and divergence

For Matthew, Luke and Mark, in that meal Jesus consecrated bread and wine, that Christianity identifies with his body and blood.

They also agree that the dinner was held on the afternoon of the first day of unleavened bread, as the Passover feast was also called that way, because during the eight days that lasted the celebration could not eat leavened bread.
Others believe, however, that at the table of Jesus and his followers were served dishes, consisting of simple foods I ate most of the Jewish people, as were the vegetable stew, bread and water.
At that time people did not used to eat sitting at a large table, as shown in the pictures of the last supper, but ate lying on its left side on cushions in front of a table and took the pieces of food with fingers but without staining only.
It is from the aesthetic vision of an artist like Leonardo da Vinci odd that Christian humanity sits around a large table. At the time of Christ never did so, nevertheless, later the celebration of the Last Supper, around a table resulting from the imagination of Leonardo eating the body of Christ in the bread and drink his blood in wine was accepted by the world Christian and Catholic Church.
For "archaeologists of gastronomy", at the Last Supper is served roasted lamb, unleavened bread, bitter herbs and accompanied by wine, because Jesus and his disciples were celebrating the Passover.
Interestingly, the scientific rigor that Leonardo used to carry his investigations to the extent clandestinely exhume corpses for dissection and further their study of anatomy very famous now, not used to solve the riddle of the menu at the Last Supper table.
The artist started, for that work, does not give much importance to food, like to drink, the ritual is focused on inventing the large table set in the midst of Jesus, Magdalene next to him, that says a lot about religions the world and around them the twelve apostles. The composition of the picture, is the source of reflections and treaties, since the technique used to display each of the characters.
The way it presents a view of all the mystery of the holy grail that is in the cup that Jesus used at the Last Supper, where to drink his blood gives the apostles in the form of wine, symbolized in the matrix of Magdalena, and which then, Joseph of Arimathea caught the blood of Christ on the cross.
The Grail was the chalice from which Jesus and his disciples drank at the Last Supper. This is an actual cup, which he added a gold structure with two handles that unites them. The set measures 17 inches high. The cup is hemispherical shape with a diameter of 9 cm and consisting of agate, dark red, which archaeological survey shows that it was carved in his workshop in Palestine and Egypt from the fourth century BC and the first of our era.
At the dawn of Christianity, this glass of great importance, could not be forgotten after the death of the Redeemer, especially as the disciples met several times in the Cenacle. This explains why the Holy Grail appeared in Rome, carried the tradition from Jerusalem by St. Peter. Passed, then two and a half centuries in which there are clear indications that the chalice was used by priests to celebrate the Eucharist.
According Antuñano, what most impresses the researcher is that the Roman liturgical canon of the first Popes, at the time of the consecration, saying quote, "take this glorious chalice", referring to this only.
This is the culmination of hard work that Leonardo took him seven years to complete his famous work in the city of Milan shortly before the discovery of America. The figures represent the 12 apostles and Jesus took them from real people.
The model for Christ was the first to be selected. After several months of searching, the model chosen as the figure of Jesus was a young man of 19 years, which Leonardo took six months to paint. During the next six years, he continued his work looking for people representing 11 apostles, leaving for the final would be Judas, the traitor.
Finding Judas, comes amid the cycle of mysteries which contains the fascinating experience of capturing forever the last supper. After long years of searching for the traitor Judas, was finally found in the dungeon of a prison, of which I used to visit Leonardo, faces exactly looking for "interesting", where he finally finds it strange that really catches your attention.
At the interview, you realize it's the same model that was used to represent Jesus years ago, who then was tormented by the impact of that event, to completely lose their identity. In the end, Jesus and Judas out to be the same model used by Leonardo to immortalize the Last Supper.


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