Environmental problems can be a lucrative business in some areas for some governments to the detriment of their own nations or at least are a disguised form of audited agencies on the resources which are not accountable.

It is the environment secretary Rafael Elvira Quezada who acknowledges that Mexico receives funds from highly industrialized countries like United States and Germany to mention a few, when they refuse or can not comply with international treaties in its obligation to reduce emissions of pollutants in their respective industries.

When the highly industrialized countries have commitments to deliver certain volumes of production, they refuse to stop to transform their environment for plants, because according to them resulting in losses, then choose to pay to a third country, in this case to Mexico so that it meets the quota of low emission of pollutants that it is the country violator of international agreements on environmental issues.


It is then that our country becomes a kind of international economic pepenador, something like a globalized got to be willing to do the dirty work to countries with omitted higher production volumes and thus formidable agents of pollution, the problem is that Congress did not audit the revenue and no one is accountable in that area. All this has its consequences and now, those who inhabit this planet we have to pay a high price for the high emissions of pollutants that end up overheating the globe with the results we are experiencing.

The federal government justifies its announced in the coming months is cutting 60,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide from the industry, as part of that pre-paid by polluters countries, gaining commitment, moreover, the production of avocado ethanol as an alternative energy in the business and not depend solely on oil and gas.

Meanwhile the Intergovernmental Committee on Climate Change (2 mil 500 scientists from over 130 countries) in their last meeting in Paris warned of heavy rains, melting glaciers, droughts and heatwaves and a slow increase in the levels of sea. The group's ultimate goal is to raise awareness about human behavior in the burning of fossil fuels as factors of global warming in the last 50 years.

The matter is serious, so pay attention to the urgent threat of a thaw of Arctic sea in summer 2100 and a slowdown in the Gulf. That's why the report of the group in Paris, insists engage governments and companies to do more to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, mainly from burning fossil fuels in power plants, factories and cars.

Al Gore, the failed presidential aspirant and former vice president during the Clinton era, has devoted the last years of his public outreach and awareness to the current situation on the effects of global warming. Gore is now a prestigious voice on global warming and has been awarded in countries such as Spain with the Prince Asturias "to disseminate and create awareness about environmental problems around the world and giving lectures on global warming and our action to stop it as the main problem of humanity.

You surely know that former U.S. vice president is the protagonist in the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth", from where he launched a worldwide campaign against global warming based on the content of his lectures with overwhelming response and favorable public opinion.

A documentary that came in for some time to collect an amount greater than the twenty-three million dollars of which one hundred percent of the revenue goes to education campaigns on climate change. Ask you how many politicians have such a gesture of genuine social fighter? I sobrarían the fingers of one hand and talking on a global level.

This is a real politician who knows that this tool is for people who truly want to serve their fellow man. Undoubtedly, Al Gore had become president of the United States of America, (another rooster will sing to humanity), but had another flaw, it's a political picture, which was at that historic moment, a great inconvenience to the American conservative voter , then the preference was for others. Then, after the good has not yet expired.

In the end, there is no point in Mexico to become a victim, because now even the traffic that is intended to help the homeless and landless. In the specific case of Mexico, the federal government is slow in implementing the recovery from disasters caused by natural phenomena with the aggravating circumstance that the real predator agents are kept safe from the fury of Mother Nature, because they have economic resources to do so .

SOLT Gurría a bomb.

Before the world enters into an outright recession Jose Angel Gurria told the media: "At the moment the government of Mexico may not meet its commitments, we need tax reform. It is a federal measure that has been postponed for several administrations, "was the lapidary sentence that dropped like a heavy earthenware on the hope of hundreds of thousands of Mexicans who were listening, while celebrating a Public Policy Forum, among people The OECD represents the Unit Angel Gurría Treviño global economy specialists licensed by the government of Felipe Calderón go to get help from that agency to Mexico that they believe need to access the progress.


Gurria Trevino, who is a friend since childhood in Salinas de Gortari, where playing in the gardens of Quinta Grijalva child with then Roberto Madrazo, PRI governments agreed that De la Madrid and Salinas did the tax reform and that when the Zedillo's government being proposed by him, Secretary of Finance, the National Action Party, vetoed, and when Fox was the turn of the vetoed his party the PRI. Briefly admitted that between the PRI and the PAN will have passed the ball by jumping from one to the other side for the government collects no taxes to be levied and PEMEX, to name one example, still bled with the tax rules Now that it violated Treasury and can not use that money to reinvest in itself.

All this is no impediment to the now head of the OECD, takes office, with inside information to take a look at the national picture and to weigh that possibility is "to suck" (only aspire) to the presidential chair.


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